Japan Flavor&Fragrance Materials Association(JFFMA)

Flavors and Fragrances as well as Aroma chemicals are commonly found in daily life, often without being aware of them Flavors are used in beverages, confectioneries, ice creams, and processed foods such as instant noodles, while fragrances are used in perfumes, eau de cologne,cosmetics, soaps and detergents, air fresheners, and so on. In addition, flavors, fragrances and aroma chemicals are used in other categories, pharmaceuticals, oral care products, animal feed,city gas, etc...

The Japan Flavor & Fragrance Materials Association(JFFMA) is a voluntary organization of member companies engaged in manufacturing, sales, import and export, and any other activities related to flavor and fragrance industry.

Japan Flavor&Fragrance Materials Association(JFFMA)
January 1970
Tokyo Office (Secretariat):
Sankeinihonbashi Bldg.6F,4-7-1 Nihonbashi-Honcho,Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103-0023,Japan
Tel:+81-3-3516-1600 Fax:+81-3-3516-1602
Osaka Office:
c/o Ogawa&Co., Ltd., 2-5-5 Hiranomachi,Chuo-ku,Osaka 541-0046,Jnpan
Companies involved in flavors, fragrances and aroma materials which agree with supporting the objectives and activities of JFFMA.
Membership as of February 2021:127 companies
The purpose of the organization is development and advancement of the flavor and fragrance industry. JFFMA is also devoted to collect and disseminate information on the utility, safety, and other aspects relevant flavors and fragrances.
  1. Collection and compilation of impartial opinions of the flavor and fragrance industry, and contact with relevant organizations and authorities.
  2. Dissemination of information, etc. to the members.
  3. Collection and preparation of related data and information.
  4. Cooperation and collaboration with relevant national and international organizations.
  5. Management of the committees.
  6. Other necessary matters to accomplish the purposes of JFFMA.

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  • Japan Flavor&Fragrance Materials Association(JFFMA)
  • Japanese law